LESSIKA JAUREN'S (clever name we know) PODCAST

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

TAKE 2 TAKE 3 TAKE 4 TAKE 5 TAKE 6 .......

WOW! I am completely exhausted. It took Lauren and I the whole class period to record our story. We thought we could get it in one try but no way. We kept laughing and messing up the words, and then Christine and Geraldine were so loud you could hear them over us. It was funny. Hopefully the last one is good enough. Next class, I won't be here because I have a basketball game in Buffalo, but I know that Lauren can hold us down. Over the next couple days we will be comming up with some questions to ask the students after reading our book. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

  1. It took GeGe and I a few times to do our podcast as well. We kept messing up and laughing! haha GOT TO GO!!
