LESSIKA JAUREN'S (clever name we know) PODCAST

Friday, February 12, 2010


Wow, classs is over already. Time really flys when you're having fun. I didn't know how I would feel about podcasting, but it was alot of fun. Lauren and I recorded our first podcast today. It was really short. We just introduced ourselves to the Podcasting world. If you have time go check it out. Our name is Lessika Jauren (a little play on words). I attached a link below of our introduction. Tell me what you think! I think that this would be great for students. They could each choose a book and read it over podcasts. Then their family all over the world and country could hear them. The possibilities are endless. What a great experience. I can't wait to read our book Countdown to Valentine's Day by Jodi Huelin!



  1. Your blog is so cute. I love the picture.

  2. First of all, I am VERY impressed with your blog. The pictures are fun and even how you write on it, you seem very comfortable with it already. I agree with you about today's class. It actually went by really fast and I had a lot of fun. Your podcast name is really cute too, I like "Lessika Jauren," I'll have to check it out :)

  3. Jessica,

    Have you blogged before? Your blog is impressive.

  4. Thanks for all the compliments! I really appreciate them, and no I haven't blogged before, but I really like it. Hopefully, I can keep up with this after the class is finished.
